Gaia Dimension

Gaia Dimension


[Bug] 1.19.4 Sounds associated with mineral water missing

Shedao-Shai opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Gaia Dimension Version


Client Log

No response

To Reproduce

  1. Do things in mineral water that would normally generate a sound with vanilla water (jump in, pick up in a bucket, etc)

Describe the Bug

All sounds associated with normal fluid behavior are missing (except for, oddly enough, placing from a bucket). As the sound is seemingly missing, subtitles are not generated either.

Additional Details

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  • I have verified my report is unique and is not already opened or closed.
  • The versions listed above are accurate and not a vague answer (ie. "Latest", "I don't know") and all details provided are clear and concise.

Appears to propagate across all fluids that Gaia adds


Can confirm the missing bucket sounds (and in some cases, vapourising) is a result of some missing FluidType Properties.

However, there may be some sounds that I simply cannot control. For example, controlling water splash effects such as sounds and particles are out of my control. Forge recently changed how fluids are handled, but only partially; a modded fluid does not set or check wasTouchingWater but with a different method, but there are places where only this field is checked. One such place just so happens to be splashing sounds.
Long short of it: upstream issue.


I've added the bucket empty, bucket fill, and fluid vaporise sounds, which is currently all I can do on my end. Feel free to list any and all actions without an associated sound in this issue, I'll reopen if there's something I can fix.

Currently, jumping into water does not have the option to add sounds.