Galacticraft Legacy

Galacticraft Legacy


Exploitable Issue with Liquid Oxygen Canister (1.12.2)

Gitcrafter opened this issue · 0 comments


Forge Version

Galacticraft Version


Log or Crash Report

There is no crash involved

Reproduction steps

The Core Problem is, that the Filled Canister with Liquid Oxygen is emptied into/filled with Mekanism´s Liquified Oxygen

When you put the Liquid Oxygen Canister into an Oxygen Storage Module you get 10777 Oxygen which when piped into Mekanism´s Rotary Condensentrator gives you 10.7 Liquid Oxygen Canisters

When you put the Liquid Oxygen Canister into an Oxygen Storage Module you get 10777 Oxygen which when piped into the Gas Liquefier gives you 5.3 Liquid Oxygen Canisters

When you put the Liquid Oxygen Canister into the Bottler from Forestry, the Fluid Transposer from Thermal Expansion, the Fluid Tank from EnderIO, the Portable Tank from Mekanism or if you rightclick it on any Block, that accepts rightclicking with Buckets, it gets emptied into 1000 mb of Mekanism´s Liquified Oxygen, which when piped into Mekanism´s Rotary Condensentrator gives you 1000 Oxygen, which when piped into the Gas Liquefier gives you only 0.5 Liquid Oxygen Canisters

My suggestion to fixing these conversion Problems, would be to give the Liquid Oxygen Canister a dedicated Liquid for it´s Liquidcontainer capabillities that should be called something like "LOX", both as the displayed and the internal name to prevent any such issues