Galacticraft Legacy

Galacticraft Legacy


Garden of Glass skybox is overlapping with this mod's Earth skybox, causing both to flicker.

MagmaBro123 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Forge Version

Galacticraft Version

Log or Crash Report


Reproduction steps

Install this mod with its required mods, Garden of Glass, and Botania. Create a world using Garden of Glass's worldtype. This mod's Earth skybox shouldn't be active on this worldtype.

I'm not a YouTuber, but you'd see this flickering between the 2 skyboxes.
2022-05-15_18 40 55_4


Edit: So yes, I'm blind. Didn't know GoG had its skybox options within the Botnia config itself.
2022-05-15_21 58 07

May be a graphics card issue then. I don't know. All I can really give is what I gave above and my system's specs.

Best thing you can do is just disable Earth's custom sky in GoG worlds. GoG has no config of any kind.



Cannot reproduce running the latest versions of the other mods, in that world type. So there must be more mods present that were not stated, that is all I can conclude with the info given. anything else that could maybe point to the reason can be provided and I'll check on it.


Issue has been marked stale because it has been open 7 days with no activity. Issue will be closed in 24 hours if not updated