![Galaxy Space [Addon for GalactiCraft]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/36/200/256/256/635935538173094077.png)
Client Crash When Teleporting to Dimensions
Roadkill1337 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hello! Thank you for your time.
Before I begin, I would like to apologize if I am posting this in the incorrect section. I literally just created my GitHub account a few moments ago for the sole purpose of requesting assistance. I am not familiar with the website but I am familiar with Minecraft, KCauldron, and Forge. I did not know where else to turn for assistance after having searched for an answer for two days.
I recently updated GalactiCraft and all its supplementary mods to the latest version (at the time of posting this, the latest version was 1.7- because it was compatible with the latest version of GalaxySpace. Prior to adding GS to the server and modpack, I tested GC and it functioned properly.
After adding GalaxySpace to the modpack, I began experiencing client-side issues when teleporting to planets. Teleporting to the Moon and Mars (even though they are in the GC Core mod) crashes the client to desktop. I have personally tested this by using commands (/dimensiontp, /home, /mv tp), Mekanism teleporters and handheld teleporters, and GC rockets. All methods result in a crash.
The oddest thing about these crashes is that the client and the server report the cause as a dimension error. This should not be causing the crash, though; both the client and the server configuration files have Mars and Moon listed as the same dimension ID. There are no differences between the configuration files for GalaxySpace and GalactiCraft itself.
Here is the client crash-report log: https://pastebin.com/gKApFQ46
Thank you for your time.