Exception ticking world with newest 1.0.8fix Version
Dream-Master opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Ok Version 1.0.8 works for me if I delete all config files from all mods i have in my pack.
If i am only delete Galaxy space and Galacticraft configs or change the configs the game crash with the same error before. (Exception ticking world) I don't have any Id conflicts or Biome id conflicts.
I use my Modpack on a private Server and I can't reset my whole world. I need a solution here because you mod is closed source and I can't do anything. Otherwise we are forced to stay forever with Beta 2.6. or I have to check every config in my mod witch needs weeks or month to check.
FML Log:
DIM: https://gist.github.com/Dream-Master/fb2d468f587a04ff06c4#file-dim
Biome : https://gist.github.com/Dream-Master/e16e25b2e559ad650035#file-biome
Old Biome dump from GS 2.6
Old Dim dump from GS 2.6
I need help here.
With all planets disabled in the config the error changed.
I try disabled with menu, delte the asm folder, load an old existing world, remove minetweaker scripts, nothing works i get all the time this error:
So I open up a test setup with only Galaxy space 1.0.8 Galacticraft 446, NEI and Code chick core
https://www.dropbox.com/s/rhsszsgzx0i2pg7/Screenshot 2016-03-11 21.31.10.png?dl=0
I using this configs witch are compatible to my modpack with GS 2.6 (i add all ids to the new generated GS config files)
Only with this few mods the game crash and i get the same crash as before.
I sitting here for three evenings to get a the pack running without any success.Could you take a look, please.
I check today Biome Ids and it seems to be that some biome ids i set via your config not stay at this id. Some Biome ids not have a config (some planets have more than one Biome)
I try to remove biome id cfg and the game start in the minimal setup but inside the pack it crash again.