Venus bugs
CyanideCarrot opened this issue ยท 1 comments
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Please fill in the form below:
- Minecraft version: 1.12.2
- Galacticraft version:
- GalaxySpace version: 2.0.10
- AsmodeusCore version (for 2.0.1 version and above): 0.0.11
- Side (Single player (SSP), Multiplayer (SMP), or SSP opened to LAN (LAN)): SSP
Description of the issue:
When I try to go to Venus, it crashes then sends me to Enceladus on reload.
If I fall from a Venus Space Station, it sends me to Venus but shows the sky as if I was on one of Saturn's moons.
PS you might want to update the Curseforge page to show Venus is part of Galacticraft 4 now
Broken Venus sky:
Attached log file (or url on
Directly to Venus, first attempt:
Directly to Venus, after reloading:
Fall from space station: