Missing OreDict entries for various ores
CommanderLouiz opened this issue ยท 0 comments
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Please fill in the form below:
- Minecraft version: 1.12.2
- Galacticraft version:
- GalaxySpace version: 2.0.12
- AsmodeusCore version (for 2.0.1 version and above): 0.0.13
- Side (Single player (SSP), Multiplayer (SMP), or SSP opened to LAN (LAN)):
SMP (Lapitos's Galacticraft Modpack)
Description of the issue:
There are a bunch of ores from various planets that don't have any OreDictionary entries. Not super critical, but it's annoying when trying to use Mekanism's Digital Miner.
List here:
- Volcanic Ore (Io)
- Sapphire (Titan)
- Emerald (Titan)
- Diamond (Titan)
- Coal (Titan)
- Lapis (Titan)
- Redstone (Titan)
- Diamond (Miranda)
- Quartz (Miranda)
- Cobalt (Miranda)
- Nickel (Miranda)
- Tin (Proxima B)
- Copper (Proxima B)
- Coal (Proxima B)
- Silicon (Proxima B)
- Diamond (Proxima B)
Attached log file (or url on pastebin.com):