- 2
Galaxy space causing error in rendering Voxel Map
#284 opened by DoctrinaLudum - 2
not compatible
#283 opened by camatthew - 2
[1.12.2] Can't find schematics for Tier 3 Rocket
#285 opened by VanillaCakePeople - 1
Missing solar wind panel
#286 opened by MatveyM11 - 2
Gravity Module CCL Exception
#287 opened by LokeYourC3PH - 0
[1.7.10]solar radiation on overworld
#289 opened by tonimark - 0
[1.7.10]crash when shift and right clicking space suit
#288 opened by tonimark - 1
Вылет при создании мира 1.12.2
#290 opened by deboshir228 - 1
помогите пж
#291 opened by Lehaveric - 0
Cascading worldgen crash on Proxima B
#294 opened by RayzFoxx - 2
changing key binds crashes game on relaunch
#295 opened by Nbgreen - 0
[1.7.10] NEi crash for Recycler
#296 opened by CanisArtorus - 2
Crashing on controls menu
#292 opened by Jonah-Lazer - 1
Непонимаю что делать
#293 opened by kbeizer - 0
Crush server
#297 opened by fxusers - 3
Rocket does not fuel up
#247 opened by kapusta1234 - 1
Server Crash with GalaxySpace
#248 opened by starkimax - 0
Server crash and game crash
#249 opened by Mugiwaxar - 0
Server crash 1.7.10
#250 opened by maximcs1 - 1
[1.12.2]GalaxySpace conflict with BC Silicon.
#251 opened by Sandendaty - 1
[1.7.10] Internal server error на луне
#252 opened by bigenergy - 1
Crash on GUI Celestial selection
#253 opened by Kevadroz - 1
GalaxySpace glitch with crash
#254 opened by CipherGeek - 14
1.12.2 Bug
#255 opened by wiqg - 1
[1.7.10] Suggestion and improvement
#256 opened by lovesgalacticraft - 1
1.12.2 Galaxy space and Immersive engineering crash
#257 opened by DevTimur - 2
[1.12.2] Config to Disable Solar Radiation Mechanic
#258 opened by CaveMiner1215 - 0
[1.7.10]GS ASM Errors in initialiazation (1.2.6a)
#259 opened by jahtim - 3
Game crash when I open the map
#260 opened by Mugiwaxar - 1
Update zh_CN.lang, IDK how to use github
#261 opened by NekoLemon - 0
[1.7.10] Crash with ExtendedPlanets 1.4 Alpha
#262 opened by BritishCynic - 1
[1.7.10] GS 1.2.6+ Client crash
#263 opened by dania99 - 2
Issue with Dedicated Server
#264 opened by TheRealM18 - 1
[1.7.10] Crash
#266 opened by Terr228 - 3
Error after updating to 1.2.7 (MC 1.7.10)
#268 opened by Gartosz - 0
Версия 1.2.7 вылетает с ошибкой
#269 opened by SilverCutePony - 1
[1.7.10]The sky disappears when I'm in the water./Небо исчезает, когда я в воде.
#267 opened by dfdfwefvs - 2
[Suggestion] 1.12.2 An config to disable GuiCelestialSelection?
#270 opened by superhealing - 2
star atlas bugs
#271 opened by SetSuna2333 - 0
[1.7.10] Crash
#272 opened by ShadowT1me - 3
Crash 1.12.2 V 2.0.4
#273 opened by DoctrinaLudum - 0
[1.7.10] Client crash - Proxima B
#278 opened by ShadowT1me - 0
No recipe for tier 3 rocket
#274 opened by ViableFir - 5
game crashes with flans mod installed 1.12.2
#275 opened by CanisLRufus - 23
AsmodeusCore - Error Writing NBT
#276 opened by sfxworks - 1
Client side crash europa
#277 opened by Nbgreen - 1
Config to Disable Solar Radiation Missing from 1.12.2 GS 2.0.4
#279 opened by CaveMiner1215 - 3
[1.12.2] [Bug] Galaxy Space Breaks the Color of Grass
#281 opened by CaveMiner1215 - 1
Mars crashes 1.12.2
#280 opened by Nbgreen - 2
Universal recycler stops producing items when hopper is placed under it and it runs out of items to extract.
#282 opened by Blayyke