- 1
Heavy SpaceSuit does not render on character
#585 opened by Ande4442 - 0
GoG (Garden of Glass) Skyblox bugs out.
#583 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
Remove Proxima C and D. They have no textures, cannot be travelled to, and have no config for disabling them.
#584 opened by MagmaBro123 - 2
Add Jupiter as a land-on-able planet.
#586 opened by MagmaBro123 - 0
Structure Generation broken
#587 opened by GazpaNova - 1
No gravity at all on asteroids
#588 opened by AlexLikeFoxes - 0
Thermal Armor (Level 1 and 2) doesn't render
#589 opened by Adrigamer2950 - 7
Тяжёлая космическая броня отображается не правильно
#590 opened by FibrousBadger65 - 4
Game crashes after updating to latest 1.7.10 version
#591 opened by Lewyfcb9pro - 1
Latest 1.7.10 Version(1.2.15) Bug:No Vega B and Tau Ceti System On galaxy map
#592 opened by Oldmemory1 - 2
Two missing systems
#593 opened by GalacitCity - 0
Two planets misaligned ring
#594 opened by GalacitCity - 0
Celestial bodies "collision"
#595 opened by GalacitCity - 0
Some display errors
#596 opened by GalacitCity - 1
Electric jetpack requires filled fuel canisters in crafting recipe
#597 opened by Kerbal-Man - 1
net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from GalaxySpace (galaxyspace)
#604 opened by LostGameDev - 0
Suggestion: Re-add Volneskors
#603 opened by MarisaKirisame-ze - 1
Stars on Proxima B do not render, just their flares
#599 opened by CheetahCyberBoi - 1
2.0.19 Crash when startup
#600 opened by SinusoidalC - 2
Crash To Desktop During Pre-Init 2.0.19
#601 opened by CharlesWedge - 0
Suggestion:Re-add the removed celestial bodies
#602 opened by GalacitCity - 1
game crashes when i add extra planets
#609 opened by riktt - 1
Crash of galaxy space in loading
#605 opened by Regidix - 0
Algae on Tau Ceti F break themself
#610 opened by ballneko - 0
Suggestion:Add achievements & Linkage with the Pre-Launch Checklist of galacticraft
#606 opened by GalacitCity - 2
takeoff and crash
#607 opened by sergey-byte - 3
Newer version kept crashing
#608 opened by some525242 - 6
Missing entries after opening a world
#620 opened by Lupa13 - 4
Server crashes after updating GS to 2.0.19
#611 opened by dvdcorsair - 0
Некорректное отображение информации о планете
#612 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Кислородные баллоны быстро опустошаются под водой
#613 opened by QuantumStatement - 3
Game crashes because of the new version of GalaxySpace
#614 opened by R3alRezentiX - 0
На астероидах без гравитации игрок не может перемещаться по вертикали
#615 opened by QuantumStatement - 1
Шкала прогресса Универсального переработчика заполняется не с самого начала
#616 opened by QuantumStatement - 5
[Suggestion] Classic Rocket Crafting
#617 opened by TheMCSpacePro - 0
Вода замерзает при использовании Теплового контроллера
#618 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
Зарядная панель выдает значительно больше энергии, чем потребляет
#619 opened by QuantumStatement - 0
empty canister transform into bucket in the liquid collector
#621 opened by linxcy - 2
Mars SS Crash
#622 opened by kaguyahimeinthemoon - 1
How to disable the new background to enable the old background
#623 opened by GalacitCity - 0
you can place the furnace in a planet that do not have oxygen
#624 opened by linxcy - 5
Game crashes upon startup, even with latest version of AsmodeusCore
#625 opened by scientificindividual - 3
Constant spam to console with an error caused by GalaxySpace
#626 opened by TheSainEyereg - 2
minecraft crashes
#627 opened by TwixKiss - 0
From Water to Natural Gas Crash
#628 opened by TPC25 - 1
minecraft crashing
#629 opened by rbeap0 - 0
[Suggestion/Compatibility] Change compressed plates oreDict from "plateMaterial" to "compressedMaterial"
#630 opened by CaveMiner1215 - 0
Crash after the game starts
#631 opened by cpsb12345 - 0
Tau Ceti F defect
#633 opened by Kkelos - 2
Generation bug
#632 opened by Kkelos