Gate of Babylon

Gate of Babylon


Crashing while running this and Clothesline

CannibalKon opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Can't seem to launch up the game since the new update with these two mods together.

Here is a paste of the log:

Probably something on my end, but could use some help understanding.
I had some issues with this and limitless in the past, but I really want to keep using this mod and cinderscapes.


Had this issue when playing AoF 3 + limitless and from the crash log
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'gateofbabylon'! it seems to be caused by one of the mods I added.
So, I tested and then found out the two mods (this and limitless) clashed and crashed the game before it loads,


Wow, that's a mod you don't conflict with every day (Clothesline). We both try to modify the logic that stops you from slowing down while you are right-clicking an item. I might be able to provide a patch for this, but we probably need a Fabric API thing for this (given that there aren't many other ways to handle this well). It will be a few days at the minimum, so you can downgrade GOB or get rid of one mod in the meantime.

Thanks for the report!


I have no clue how you found that out if the text, but I'm glad you found it!
I've got time, thank you for figuring this out!
How did you find it was clotheslines?


Crashes are always at the bottom, so you scroll down. This is the last line:

[21:58:43] [main/WARN]: @Redirect conflict. Skipping gate-of-babylon.mixins.json:ClientPlayerEntityYoyoUsageMixin->@Redirect::cancelYoyoSpeedDecrement(Lnet/minecraft/class_746;)Z with priority 1000, already redirected by>@Redirect::redirectIsUsingItem(Lnet/minecraft/class_746;)Z with priority 1000
Gate of Babylon, and... Clothesline, boom. From there you notice Redirect conflict, and the entire picture falls into place once you see the cancelYoyoSpeedDecrement and redirectIsUsingItem method names, which explains the entire issue without saying anything directly.

I wouldn't expect any non-modder to understand the second part, but figuring out what mods are conflicting is pretty easy once you get used to reading logs (and know what to ignore in the log). :)


Haha thank you so much! I'm glad I could show you something you didn't know and verse vici!
I'll keep that in mind, I always read the middle of the crash, and is probably why I misinterpreted what the error was initially!
You're right though, absolutely no clue on the second part.
Thank you for all your help c: