Gems and Crystals Mod

Gems and Crystals Mod


Double topaz ore smelting recipe

Greg-21 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


If you look at the JEI smelting recipes, you'll see that the one about topaz ore is displayed twice on the list. I suppose it may be because Gems and Crystals mod registers the recipe more than once, but I'm just guessing. It can be an issue on JEI side as well.

For comparison, in Gems and Crystals mod for Minecraft 1.12 the recipe about topaz ore is displayed normally, once (I checked it out).

Screenshot showing this issue:

I was able to reproduce this issue on the following configuration (I didn't test other configs for Minecraft 1.15.2):

  • Minecraft version: 1.15.2
  • Gems and Crystals version: 1.2.8
  • JEI version:
  • Forge version: 31.2.0

Fixed with version 1.2.9.