Custom drops don't follow custom squeezer recipe
Stalkstalks opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I define some custom drops with custom squeezer recipes. NEI shows that the squeezer will produce what the custom recipe tells it to. However, when I actually run the drops through the squeezer, they produce 100mb of honey and sometimes propolis.
I'm using the same config I posted for #133, and using the build you linked to for that as well.
After some investigation the problem is that forestry started using oredictionary for squeezer recipes at some point. Since all honeydrops are registered into OreDictionary it picks up the "standard" honeydrop recipe instead of the custom one.
I've talked with people in #forestry-dev about it and getting a reasonable fix for it in 3.6 is probably not going to happen since 4.0 should be coming out in the next few weeks.
I'll make a PR to forestry to prioritize specific recipes over oredict that should fix this for 4.0.
In the meanwhile you could disable oredict registration by removing this line and either shipping a jar with modified config or putting it in overrides folder. This might or might not break something else, i haven't tested it. Or just wait for Forestry 4.0 to come out.
Dang. If i try to remove the gendustry honey drop ore dictionary entry using say
in minetweaker, would you expect it to break anything important in gendustry?
I don't think it will break anything in gendustry itself, but if anything else uses that OD entry for recipes they obviously won't work.
Here's the proposed fix in forestry - ForestryMC/ForestryMC#815