Gentle Fawn

Gentle Fawn


[main/ERROR]: Entity gentlefawn:deer has no attributes

FewerFlaws opened this issue · 3 comments


I get the following errors every time I start up. The first entry may or may not be relevant, but the second clearly references GentleFawn.

[main/ERROR]: Write access detected to @Final field field_1705:Lnet/minecraft/class_329; in inventoryhotswap.mixins.json:HideHudMixin::handler$zlc000$onHudRender

[main/ERROR]: Entity gentlefawn:deer has no attributes

It's probably harmless by itself since the deer still spawn, wander around, etc. But something isn't right. Don't they deserve some attributes anyways? They're very nice =P


This is on Minecraft 1.16.4, fabric version, gentlefawn version 1.1.2.


Hello, thanks for the report!

We've definitely seen Entity gentlefawn:deer has no attributes before — unfortunately, we have no idea what it actually is. Rest assured, however, that we are indeed giving the deer attributes — Minecraft just thinks they don't have any for some reason!

As for the first error you posted, that appears to be from a mod using the modid inventoryhotswap.


Thanks for getting back to me =]