Goblin Traders

Goblin Traders


Suggestion: Trader "Relationship" Improvements

IdrisQe opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I like the idea of improving your relationship with traders. 1.14 Sort of gave us this with Villagers, but didn't with Wandering Traders, which makes sense I suppose... But I was thinking, with how much personality these little guys ooze, it would be neat if we could "befriend" them!

You could befriend a trader by giving them golden apples. The trader would then "remember" you. Depending on the amount of G. Apples you give them, they'd discount their items (since the majority of complaints I've seen regarding the mod are the prices).

In addition, befriended merchants would still despawn, but would be "remembered", and can respawn in the future, nearer to near players they like. Of course if they died their memory would be gone too. You can still find other merchants of course, and they won't ALL like you. Maybe upon befriending one they'd gain a nametag visible to friendly players (i.e. they tell you their name- in whatever manner they can communicate in.)

Friendly goblins would , as stated, spawn more often, and would make less annoyed sounds, as well as not attack you if you refused to trade (although refusing to trade for long enough to elicit an attack, or opening/closing the trading menu several times in a row without buying something will have a chance to lower their friendliness value)

Giving a Goblin an Enchanted Golden Apple, on the other hand, would make it elated, giving you max friendliness immediately.

Once a Trader reached max friendliness, it would also give them a trade for a "Goblin Trading Post", which when placed in an underground, relatively dark area that a Goblin would like, allows you to "call" the goblin by ringing a small bell on the little stall. The goblin who traded it to you will then spawn nearby and path to the stall, and remain there until all players move away.

To avoid this from being unbalanced, Goblins would have a max number of trades as usual, and their trades would only refresh when they've been despawned for a while (to simulate them gathering more goods) - this would also apply to the Trading Post, so it couldn't be abused to always have access to the Goblin's high value trades. And while despawned, the Goblins lose friendliness over time, albeit at a slow rate, and the player who rings the trading post bell needs to have >50% friendliness to even call the Goblin.

Also, high (90%+?) friendliness Goblins, if spawned around you while you're being attacked, would run up, punch a mob to distract it, then run away, helping out in its own way. And if you're low on health/hunger, may even share a few of its apples with you!

...Honestly this idea just sort of started with the idea of getting discounts for Golden Apples and spiralled out of control from there because sleepy-brain likes rambling and coming up with ideas. Even if all of this is waaay beyond the scope, I hope it at least gives you some inspiration for adding to the mod!