[crash]ClassCastException Error Causing Raid Crash
Kiiley opened this issue ยท 4 comments
While using the Goety mod, a ClassCastException error occurs when triggering a raid event, resulting in the server crashing and when I set specialIllagerRaid = false in the config, the crash still occurs
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Goety Version: goety-
Server Type: running on Arclight core and forge 47.3.11
Crash log has no indication that Goety is responsible for the crash. Have you tried making a Raid without Goety installed?
Might be caused by Arclight raid mixin conflicting with Goety: https://github.com/Polarice3/Goety-2/blob/1.20/src/main/java/com/Polarice3/Goety/mixin/RaidMixin.java
In which case, try disabling armoredRavagerRaid on config
Might be caused by Arclight raid mixin conflicting with Goety: https://github.com/Polarice3/Goety-2/blob/1.20/src/main/java/com/Polarice3/Goety/mixin/RaidMixin.java
In which case, try disabling armoredRavagerRaid on config
I disabled armoredRavagerRaid as suggested, but the crash still happens. I really enjoy this mod, so as a temporary solution, I turned off the raid on server and created a datapack to obtain the Hero of the Village buff . Hopefully, we can find a better solution in the future. Thanks a lot for your help: )