


Compatibility problem with another mod: Digimobs

werff opened this issue · 1 comments


The problem is, as I have been told, how the extra damage calculation work in this mod.
I will post here what was said on the Digimobs discord.

"werffayer a las 20:48
Compatibility related bug:
With gokit stats the extra DMG goes to the "model/entity" health pool, not the digimon health pool.
See how if I attack a digimon it damages the "digimon health bar", the one that you can only see when using/having a digivice.
The problem is that the upgrades from the gokit stats mod, the extra damage which is increased at a % of the normal damage, damages not the "digimon health bar" but the normal minecraft health, in which all digimons have 20 health points.

That's the compatibility related bug, I hope I have explained better now XD
I'm just posting that, in order to get that know, just incase it gives the same problem with any other similar mods."

"Cyanayer a las 22:49
@werff are you using the 1.1.2 version, or the initial version? That should be remedied in the two updates I put out yesterday.
Either that, or they do their damage calculations in a way that directly applies to health and not the damage calculation. If that’s the case, that’s going to be a compatibility issue on their end."

"werffhoy a las 14:55
@cyan 1.1.2 version, so it appears is a problem on their end, so I will send them that, thanks 😄"


This mod edits the Damage event and won't be fixed unless Digimobs accepts Forge Event System as a possible damage source