[REQUEST] Better configs for dealing with mob spawns
Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 12 comments
A player in my pack is having some issues with massive, runaway spawns, from swamp things, with this mod installed into it. This mod needs some better configs that allow me to configure the spawn rates and numbers of mobs that spawn from it. The resultant lag the mobs can cause is insane.
Note: The issue is happening in a modded biome, from Biomes O' Plenty.
I can send over my current config, although it has been edited in preparation for another update to my pack.
As for pics, I've got one.
I also do have some mods that affect difficulty. Scaling Health + Zombie Awareness, both of which can alter spawn rates.
/effect @e[type=gravestone-extended:GSSwampThing,r=?] minecraft:glowing 60000
I've got a lot of phantom divers in the twilight forest dim. So many that it makes it totally lag out. Im not sure if its being caused by other mods. My pack is Mystical Village 2 and world gens with OTG....not sure if that info helps. A dimension white/black list would be awesome tho!
Sorry that's all i got before crash. Removing gravestone extended fixed it but i dont want to remove your mod from my pack because i like it. :(
@AdaraChristine yes, it is already done in #113
@Sunconure11 unfortunately the options you are asking about are useless. As for example spawn rate of Divers is almost minimal and only 1 of them can be spawned. It looks like some kind of compatibility problem(or something else) so such types of configuration doesn't help.
I hope the fix, which was described in previous post, helps.
@Sunconure11 @Nexusdog @mattrix444 what about your problem? Does any additional fixes required?