Gravestone mod - Extended

Gravestone mod - Extended



NightKosh opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  • Bone Bush
  • Spider Mint
  • Foxfire
  • Edelwood tree
    Death Bloom(similar flower will be added in minecraft 1.14)

Hm, do you take suggestions? Have you considered any plants associated with death? Maybe some could be used to decorate graveyards a bit, and give them a bit more flair.

Mediterranean cypresses are planted in graveyards, for instance.

Yews are also planted in graveyards.

Snapdragons, while not associated with death, might be up your alley. They have seed pods that look like skulls. Little, tiny skulls.

Black roses are considered a symbol of death, as well. You should look into plant symbolism a bit.

Also, I take it you're another Over The Garden Wall fan? Elucent would be pretty happy to see that TBH, I remember he said he wanted to see a mod use Edelwood.


I'm glad to get any suggestion. Furthermore it are incredibly required - there are a lot of things which I still not sure how to implement, or how to integrate to the mod and to the game.
At the moment I'm mostly have some assumption about what and how something should be done in basic shape, without any deep integration. It are partially described in some issues here - but mostly only those which will be done in nearest time. So I'll be glad to get any ideas, suggestions and feedback.


As for new features - at the moment I'm prefer to work on something which can be usefull or at least make game process a little bit more variouse. To be honest anything associated with death or something creepy, any interesting or weird stories or legends much more preferrable for me. So I'm not sure about cypresses right now - for most players it will not have any association. So it can be done it long term, not in nearest time.

As for snapdragon - I thought about it some time ago, but I'm still not sure how to use it. The same with some already planned & implemented things(such as bat wing). I hoped most of those questions will be solved during mod development.

And yes - I really like Over The Garden Wall. Furthermore it's Edelwood concept incredibly interesting and bizarre. Usage of villagers as a source of some rare creepy resource(which based on their souls) will fit mod theme well.