GregTech 4

GregTech 4


OreDict memes 2

TheDarkDnKTv opened this issue ยท 0 comments

* A broken ore dictionary registration with name dustSmallPhosphorus has occurred. It adds an item (type: class gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_SmallDust) which is currently unknown to the game registry. This dictionary item can only support a single value when registered with ores like this, and NO I am not going to turn this spam off. Just register your ore dictionary entries after the GameRegistry.
TO USERS: YES this is a BUG in the mod GregTech-Addon report it to them!
*  at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOreImpl(
*  at net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary.registerOre(
*  at gregtechmod.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator.registerOre(
*  at gregtechmod.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator.set(
 *  at gregtechmod.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator.add(
*  at gregtechmod.common.items.GT_MetaItem_SmallDust.addItem(