GregTech 4

GregTech 4


Large Turbine Generators Causing lag

lyeochan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I have a server running with GT4, and since we reached turbines (kinda expected considering my previous posts), there was a massive increase in lag. The Console Show messages like thse.

Server thread/WARN [GregTech]: WARNING: Possible Lag Source at [74, 74, 644] in Dimension 0 with 347ms caused by an instance of class


using laggogles i get this result
2023-04-20_00 38 12


i was reading the code, and tested some values.

on line 161 of

public void startProcess() {
	if (GT_Items.Component_Turbine_Bronze.isStackEqual(mInventory[1], true, true)) {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 10;
	} else if (GT_Items.Component_Turbine_Steel.isStackEqual(mInventory[1], true, true)) {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 20;
	} else if (GT_Items.Component_Turbine_Magnalium.isStackEqual(mInventory[1], true, true)) {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 50;
	} else if (GT_Items.Component_Turbine_TungstenSteel.isStackEqual(mInventory[1], true, true)) {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 15;
	} else if (GT_Items.Component_Turbine_Carbon.isStackEqual(mInventory[1], true, true)) {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 100;
	} else {
		mEfficiencyIncrease = 20;

running different rotors types changes how much lag the generator makes. With a Carbon Rotor I was getting values of up to 690uS/t, while running a bronze rotor I would only get 195,

I imagine this is cause the bronze rotor passes the check instantly, whereas for the other ones they need progressively more tests.


Message from console showing much higer lag comparing that your gogles are showing. I will check code, seems like some processing adding real stutter. Since 375ms is literaly 7.5tps stolen in that second