GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Hey, hey, hey, I'm here to provide you with new bugs!

IAmNotGEM opened this issue · 7 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Modpack Used


Addons Installed

CraftTweaker with nomifactory's scripts




SinglePlayer and Catserver and so on...

New Worlds


Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2527 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2528 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2530 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2531 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2537 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2538 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2540 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2541 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2542 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2543 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2545 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: _oreDict.zs:2546 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nadd(§rZenTypeNative: null.null[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[998:crafttweaker]: _oreDict.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:323 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:329 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:335 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:341 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:366 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: aa xu2.zs:368 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:28 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:29 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:30 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:31 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:32 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:172 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:260 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:260 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:469 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AdvRocketry.zs:592 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Null not allowed in shapeless recipes! Recipe for: libvulpes:hatch not created!
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Null not allowed in shapeless recipes! Recipe for: libvulpes:hatch:1 not created!
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Null not allowed in shapeless recipes! Recipe for: libvulpes:hatch:2 not created!
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Null not allowed in shapeless recipes! Recipe for: libvulpes:hatch:3 not created!
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Null not allowed in shapeless recipes! Recipe for: libvulpes:forgepowerinput not created!
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AE2.zs:55 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AE2.zs:236 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AE2.zs:243 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: AE2.zs:250 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: BlastFurnace.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: dml.zs:55 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: dml.zs}: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Earlygame.zs:120 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: Earlygame.zs}: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: electronics.zs:170 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: electronics.zs:199 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: electronics.zs:200 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: electronics.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: EnderIO.zs}: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items, caused by java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Ore Dictionary [dustPulsating]: contains no items
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Endgame.zs:191 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: Endgame.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:702 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:844 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:844 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:844 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:844 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: extendedcrafting.zs:889 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: extendedcrafting.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: extractor_solidifier.zs}: null, caused by java.lang.NullPointerException
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:19 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:60 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:85 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:166 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:188 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:245 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:271 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:302 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Microverse.zs:343 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: Midgame.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: multiblocks_normal.zs:512 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\ninputs(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[])
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: multiblocks_normal.zs:512 > any values not yet supported
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: multiblocks_normal.zs:512 > any values not yet supported
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: multiblocks_normal.zs}: null, caused by java.lang.NullPointerException
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: Nuclearcraft.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:64 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:65 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:71 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:72 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:96 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:97 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:98 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremove(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:101 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:105 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:110 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:559 > Cannot cast ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack to ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:564 > 2 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack, ZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\naddShaped(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:\naddShaped(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient[][], §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:, §aOptional §rZenTypeNative:
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:656 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:657 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:658 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:659 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:660 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:661 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:662 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:663 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:664 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:665 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:666 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: normalmode.zs:667 > a method available but §4none§r matches the parameters (ZenTypeNative: null.ItemStack)\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nremoveAndHide(§rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IIngredient, §aOptional §rbool)
[10:44:46] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §cERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[-1:crafttweaker]: normalmode.zs}: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat, caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gregtech/integration/GroovyScriptCompat

Actual Behavior

Not compatible with the script anymore, it works with 2.4.1.

Steps to Reproduce

I updated to version 2.4.3 with this problem

Additional Information

I built the latest code and then, these bugs appeared and I hope 2.4.4 will not do so.


This is fixed by #1241


This is fixed by #1241

So how should i do ?


How do I get it to run without modifying the script file? @Syrcan


Wait for new release, or compile the mod from br-groovy branch.


Wait for new release, or compile the mod from br-groovy branch.

Okay, I'll try it. @Syrcan I love you so much.


This was fixed in 2.4.4.