GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Z-fighting with machine covers

TheAirBlow opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Main information

Addons Installed: Gregicality Multiblocks 1.1.6, Multiblock Tweaker 1.8.2
Actual Behavior: If you move ~20 blocks away you will see Z-fighting
Expected Behavior: For it to render properly
Modpack Used: Nomifactory (GTCEu Port)
GregTech CEu Version: 2.5.0-beta
Cross-Mod Interaction: Unsure
Environment: Multiplayer
New Worlds: Unsure

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Put a cover on a machine (it has to be a full block and the cover should be as big as the side)
  2. Back off ~20 blocks, move around and you will see Z-fighting

Additional Information

Should be easy to fix - just don't render the face where the cover is. If my memory is not misleading, there is a way to force minecraft to cull a block side by just overriding a method in the block class.