GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Issues with Multiblock Previews after rework

ALongStringOfNumbers opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is a list of a couple issues that I noticed with the Multiblock preview screens after they were reworked

  • There is now a maximum zoom out limit
    This limit did not exist before, and is too small for some of the larger multiblocks like the Fusion Reactor, as you can no longer fit the entire multiblock structure in the window any more.

  • Previews start at the maximum zoom level
    Instead of being started at a defined "default zoom" level, which was often defined to have the entire multiblock in sight, but nothing much else, all multiblocks start at the maximum zoom limit, which requires zooming in to see structure components or for closer inspection of the structure.

  • Right mouse button will also zoom structure preview
    Even though the structure preview was changed to use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out of the structure preview, holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse in/out will also still zoom the preview

  • White highlighting over selected blocks
    Unlike previously, where blocks would have a clear highlighting layer when selected, blocks now have a white highlighting layer, which obstructs the view of the block, making the player reliant on the tooltip to show what the block actually is, instead of being able to visually see what the block is.

  • The highlight layer sometimes renders incorrectly over the block.
    This is noticable especially because of the previously mentioned bullet, but sometimes the background block renders through the highlight layer. See:



  • Issues when scrolling through the preview JEI categories
    When scrolling through preview JEI category with the mouse wheel, the previews will zoom in, leading to that they are on the minimum zoom amount for the third preview in the category, and also sometimes preview will refuse to render, or other times they will be on minimum zoom.
    Not rendering
    minimum zoom

Additionally, when the preview is on this minimum zoom state, using the right mouse button to attempt to zoom out will not work, and instead cause a lot of flickering

  • Block tooltips render as well as info when hovering over info icon.
    When hovering over the info icon, if there is a block in the background, the tooltip for the block will also be rendered.

  • Info icon needs to be updated
    Minor thing, but the info icon information needs to be updated now that it is incorrect

  • Cannot zoom preview when scrolling through categories
    You cannot zoom in/out of multiblock previews when scrolling through the multiblock preview category. Scrolling the mouse wheel will instead move to the next/previous multiblock preview.

  • Controllers are rendered full bright in the components section
    This may have something to do with the changes introduced by @DStrand1 but the controllers are being rendered Fullbright in the components list versus in JEI. The controllers stop being rendered Fullbright when mousing over the info icon however.

  • Weird seam on the corner of a block
    Not quite sure what is causing this one, I was not hovering over anything at the time
    And on another structure:


Something similar happened for the steam grinder, at the default multiblock preview:
Around the controller texture something similar can be seen.

  • Layer not correctly set/reset when changing through multiblock tiers.
    This is noticable on the Blast Furnace. When the layer is set to any non-all layer, and the arrow is clicked to move to the next coil tier preview, the layer is not reset, leaving something like this:
    Where it displays that it is on layer 2, but displays the entire multiblock. When changing back to the original tier, which had the non-all layer displaying, it will display that layer again, however any changes made to the layer in other tiers will not be reflected in the original image:
    This is an EBF that was on layer 2, I moved to the next coil tier, changed to layer 4, and then moved back and the EBF was still on layer 2. I would recommend just resetting the layer when the tier being displayed is changed.

In addition to this issue, the tier is not reset when scrolling through the multiblock preview category. I opened up the preview for the assembly line (just the assembly line, not the category), expanded it to its maximum tier, clicked on the title "Multiblock Pattern" to bring up the multiblock preview category, scrolled through the category until I got to the assembly line, and it was still at its maximum tier, instead of at default tier like I would expect after closing the window where I expanded the structure to maximum tier.

  • Assembly Line rotates about a fixed point not on multiblock
    If you open up the preview for the assembly line and try to rotate it, you will see that it rotates about some fixed point in front of the controller block. This is because it is acting as if the final tier (which is the longest form) is being used for the preview and rotating about the center of the longest form, even when the preview is in its default state of shortest form. Personally I would recommend removing the tiers for the assembly line and just telling the player it can be extended.

These are some issues I noticed with the multiblock preview renders after the rework.


Something else I'd like to add is that multiblock previews have a hard limit of 180 degrees for vertical rotation. It looked like this was intentional, but is it possible to safely remove this limit, or was there a reason for it to be locked?


Something else I'd like to add is that multiblock previews have a hard limit of 180 degrees for vertical rotation. It looked like this was intentional, but is it possible to safely remove this limit, or was there a reason for it to be locked?

There are two common camera controllers for 3D scenes, trackball and orbit. If I understand you correctly, you mean the first one. i prefer the second one and implement it. I think it's easier to find directions. of cause, if you're more of a trackball type, can also implement it in the first way, it's not that hard to do.


After doing some thinking, I think I prefer the way the preview rotation works as is. It's definitely more intuitive and I can see why that full 360 degree rotation can be hard to navigate. So I'd say to leave it as how it is right now.