GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Strange interaction with Phantom Liquifaces

felix-schneider opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Modpack Used

Nomifactory GTCEu 1.6

Addons Installed

No response



New Worlds


Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

  1. The name displayed by the Liquiface should be "Quantum Tank III"
  2. Removing the pump should not change any fluid levels

Actual Behavior

  1. The Liquiface says "Small Steam Solid Fuel Boiler"
  2. All fluid is instantly teleported back to the first tank.

Steps to Reproduce

Go to a creative world
Place two Quantum Tank IIIs, one full, one empty some blocks apart
Place phantom liquiface next to the full tank
connect the phantom liquiface to the empty tank
First bug: the liquiface will say "The connected block is Small Steam Solid Fuel Boiler"
Place a pump on the full tank, exporting into the liquiface
Wait a bit for some fluid to transfer
Use a crowbar to detach the pump
All the liquid is back in the first tank ?!

Additional Information

The settings of the tanks were not modified, the output side of the first tank was not facing the phantom liquiface.
