GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Several issues with Quantum Chests on master/2.8

ghzdude opened this issue ยท 1 comments


GregTech CEu Version

master and 2.8 branches

Modpack Used

No response

Addons Installed

No response



New Worlds


Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

  • quantum chests to render properly
  • inserting through the output hole should not be possible unless input on output is enabled

Actual Behavior


  • Quantum chests stop rendering correctly on world load, due to #2091. Specifically, trying to move the output hole or front face of the chest doesn't update rendering.


  • Inserting into a quantum chest with more than 127 items (or 191 items if inserting into the output hole) with an item pipe causes the item stack renderer to fail, since the virtualItemStack becomes air due to negative size. This issue is also present on 2.8, though only for item stacks 127+.
  • Inserting into the output hole of a quantum chest with input on output disabled still inserts items into the internal inventory and export slot. this issue is also present on 2.8.

Steps to Reproduce

For qchest rendering on 2.8

  1. place qchest down
  2. leave and rejoin world
  3. try to move output hole or front face of the qchest

For the other issues

  1. place qchest down
  2. place creative qchest near the qchest with at least a block space between
  3. connect them with an item pipe
  4. send 128 items to the qchest (for master and 2.8)
  5. break/replace qchest
  6. send 192 items to the qchest through the output hole (master only)

Additional Information

No response


Closed, as the issues present here are fixed by several prs being merged