GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Crafttweaker Emissive Heating Coils

jude123412 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Related Problem

Registering custom GT Coils is cool and all but all the emissive textures don't work when the Machine is active and using the Custom GT Coil.

Your Solution

what I would like is the ability to add custom emissive coil textures through crafttweaker/groovyscript.
The script could look like this where "colour" is a hex colour value.

HeatingCoils.add(blockstate:minecraft:planks:variant=oak, "planks", 1900, 1, 2, 3, material:silver, "colour");

Or More extreme scenario make adding heating coils similar to adding custom materials so gregtech registers the coil based on what material you give. instead of giving a blockstate you can give a GT material with Wire flag and GT will register it.

HeatingCoils.add("material:europium", 1900, 1, 2, 3, material:europium);

and one more solution is to add it directly to the material registry like this ->
.heatingCoil(1900, 1, 2, 3, "Material", "ILiquidStack")
.heatingCoil(Coil Temp, Level, Discount, Tier, "What foil to use", "What Fluid to use")

I'm only suggesting this to make it easier for modpack creators to change the progression without creating a new mod.