GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Allow fluid locking for multioutput hatches

windyknight opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Related Problem

While multioutput hatches are useful, they lack the ability to lock that single hatches have. This presents problems when wallsharing multiblocks, as without a locking ability what can happen is that multiblocks can perform undesired recipes. An example of this is in my oil cracking setup, which is 6 oil crackers all wallshared together in a 2x3. 2 adjacent crackers have 3 shared input hatches (steam, heavy fuel, naphtha) and a shared 4x output hatch with 2 other crackers. Previously when each one had a separate output hatch, I could force one cracker to process heavy fuel and naphtha in the other. With the multioutput hatch instead what happens is that both crackers processed the heavy fuel when I set an interface to provide.

Your Solution

Implement #1752 for multioutput hatches.

Additional Information

Tested a creative world to see if regular fluid filter covers work as a substitute. As expected, they did not.