GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


EBF and Electrolyser ore process buffs

MazeMaus opened this issue ยท 1 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Related Problem

Electrolysing ores most of the time worthless;
And EBF-ing ores is always useless compared to just smelting.
There's 0 point on ores like: Pentlandite,Chalcopyrite, Pyrite. As directly smelting their dusts yields 1 full ingot of the main material (nickel, copper, iron). And much less sense using the EBF recipes for Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, pentlandite, why would u ever use them? Sulfur is virtually infinite trough cobbleworks (rock breaker, with diorite, then processing diorite to get sulfur), or just mining a sulfur vein on the nether. So by doing those recipes (EBF "process" and or just eletrolysing) i get less material than i would just smelting.

I belive this happens also because, in OG GT5 (or even in CE):
processing pyrite would give 6 pyrite dust (on CEu its 2)
each dust would give 3 iron nuggets.
so by smelting u would still get 2x ingots (18 nuggets).
and by eletrolysing the 6 pyrite dust, (pyrite is FeS2) u get 2 iron dust + 4 sulfur dust

if that's the case, let 2 pyrite dust be electrolysed into 2 iron dust + 4 sulfur dust. [As the 2 pyrite Dust from CEu are equivalent to 6 pyrite from original GT5]

Your Solution

If there was a option to bring back the dust -> nuggets smelting (or a way so you have to smelt multiple dusts at once to get the full ingot) , keep the electrolyser recipe, but buff the EBF process it would make it for a interesting upgrade to ore process.

Additional Information

This is achievable by changing recipes for smelting/EBF for the ores that this change would benefit


hmm maybe a higher crushed ore product would be better than 2pyrite -> 2iron dust + 4 sulfur dust, cuz this could be kinda strange comparing to other electrolyser recipes. or, pyrite can have a (small) chance to get a small/tiny gold/arsenic dust on electrolysis, as in real life.