GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Configure ME buses and hatches via HEI using the [+] button

Doniazade opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version

2.8.10 (Nomi 1.7.6 nightly)

Related Problem

When configuring an ME hatch or bus for a multiblock setup the process usually involves looking up the recipe in HEI and then bringing up every item/fluid to drag them and configure the hatch or bus. This is a lot of input to do something that involves very little thinking and gets tedious, especially if doing many multiblocks at once, and is a major source of fatigue in the mid-lategame.

Your Solution

Add support for the same [+] button that is used to paste recipes from HEI into crafting tables. When pressed this button would add every fluid/item in the recipe to the configuration of the hatch or bus in the amounts set in the recipe. If/when a dual hatch+bus is added it would of course add both.

Another minor quality of life would also be two buttons to double/halve amounts configured, like in a pattern interface, to better support parallel hatches.

Additional Information

This would very greatly reduce the number of clicks and keypresses needed to configure your setups. ME hatches and buses have improved the game greatly and this is taking them even further.

This feature would not dumb down the game or make decisions for the player, only reduce busywork.