GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Supply multiple of (supply exact variation)

Doniazade opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version

2.8.10 (any)

Related Problem

In nearly every application of supply exact with fluid regulators the intent is to just make sure that the fluid amount is a multiple of the number set, not to supply exactly the number set at a time. For example a fluid reg sending fluid to an ingot solidifier solidifier needs to send a multiple of 144 mB because you don't want to have leftover fluid blocking the machine, but it's not necessary or even desirable to limit the speed to 144 mB per tick, for example if the solidifier is a gcym with a parallel hatch.

Your Solution

Add a toggle or optional mode to make fluid regs able to supply the largest possible multiple of the number set, within the constraints set by the tier of the fluid reg and the amount of fluid/space available.

For example a fast fluid reg set to 144 mB transferring from a tank with 10000 mB fluid would push 9936 mB in one tick leaving 64 mB behind and then stop.

Additional Information

The option to throttle the speed of the fluid reg should still remain, but this behavior is much more useful in most cases.