GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


Breaking tile entities carelessly on low TPS can lead to block textures breaking.

bruberu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello! I would like to report a graphical bug that occurs in Gregicality: Skyblock Edition, although since it only occurs in situations relating to the Gregicality mod, I have instead posted it here.
In the video below, note how when I break the rocket engine with a tps of around 10, it occasionally doesn't render for a few moments, and doesn't drop. This is likely because a value in the tile entity becomes null on the client side while waiting for the server to respond. Also, if one changes whether or not they are holding a pickaxe while waiting for the item to drop, it will in fact stay there for a few moments, until it eventually disappears. (I, of course, have not replicated this in the video below, but I have experienced it before).
This behavior occurs with every tile entity in Gregicality, even though I only tested one in the video.
Most importantly, in the case that one attempts to break the null tile entity, as I do at the end, every single block and every single block item has their textures become grayscale (or rarely, red) on occasion, particularly in the inventory. Without restarting the game (or perhaps reloading the textures, although this is usually impractical), there is no way to fix this on the user's side. The only workaround is for one to be careful while breaking tile entities on low tps servers, such as the community server that I was on, and to immediately release the breaking button after a tile entity has been broken.
Notably, other blocks do not have this problem when they are broken, but they are affected by the glitch: for example, the latch on Ender Storage ender chests changes color.
As for how this could be fixed in the code, as is evident, there's likely some disconnect between the server and the client on how a tile entity breaks, so you may want to make sure that every tile entity update is promptly sent.


Closed by #281


This may be an issue with GTCE, but the only issue on it (GregTechCE/GregTech#853) is from a few years ago, and so it's likely that it would have been reported again after that if it was only GTCE.


Gregicality doesn't do anything regarding to tile entities, we simply use the system created by GTCE so this is not an issue with our mod.