GregTech CE Unofficial

GregTech CE Unofficial


New cover ideal involving Pistons

AstherLC opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Pistons are the only components that don't have a usage outside of recipes. My idea is to use some kind of cover that involves pistons. This cover can speed up single block machines by a small number (for now I think x1,5 is fine, needs testing). It comes with a small tank that can hold lubricant, and with each process, the machines consumes 1 lubricants. Perhaps we can make it the first tiered cover. This new cover can help adding content to these parts of the mod:

  1. New usage for pistons
  2. New usage for Fluid Canning Machine (To insert the lubricant)
  3. New usage for Cobalt (regarding the recent ideas on Discord, it could be a good to use Cobalt here)
  4. First Gregicality Cover