GregTech Classic

GregTech Classic


Can not compile latest version

DBotThePony opened this issue ยท 8 comments

K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\ error: GTTileAESU is not abstract and does not override abstract method update() in ITickable
public class GTTileAESU extends TileEntityElectricBlock implements IClickable {
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\multi\ error: abstract method update() in ITickable cannot be accessed directly
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\jei\ error: cannot find symbol
                        if (Loader.isModLoaded(GTValues.MOD_ID_GTCX)){
  symbol:   variable GTValues
  location: class GTJeiPlugin
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\jei\ error: cannot find symbol
                        if (Loader.isModLoaded(GTValues.MOD_ID_GTCX)){
  symbol:   variable Loader
  location: class GTJeiPlugin
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\jei\ error: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method GTMaterialGen(GTBlockMachine)
  location: class GTJeiPlugin
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\ error: GTTileSupercondensator is not abstract and does not override abstract method update() in ITickable
public class GTTileSupercondensator extends TileEntityTransformer implements IBitLevelOverride {

Also please do something about this absurd i had to add manually in maven file (more than half of them have dedicated maven repos)


Good luck getting him to do that, i already tried. He's got an irrational fear of them not working or something, and it also probably means he has to rerun setupDecompWorkspace.
Edit: thinking about it, i've realized how absurdly lazy that is, cause all one has to do is open the mod repo folder, delete libs, ctrl right click, click open powershell here, paste in the command gradle setupDecompWorkspace, press enter, then open eclipse when it finishes and press refresh. That said i don't even know if that has to be run, might be able to just refresh.


listen guys, I set up the project in the way that works for me/worked for me for about 1.5 years. making it out to sound like im a lazy idiot doesn't help your case. if you are incapable of getting the jar files and building the project then message me directly on discord and ill try to help you directly.


sorry for making you out to be a lazy idiot, that was not my intention, and I've also realized that I really have no right considering one could think of me being just as lazy for not wanting to have to deal with libs.


You closed the issue but did not fixed compilation error

K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\ error: GTTileAESU is not abstract and does not override abstract method update() in ITickable
public class GTTileAESU extends TileEntityElectricBlock implements IClickable {
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\multi\ error: abstract method update() in ITickable cannot be accessed directly
K:\git\GT-Classic\build\sources\main\java\gtclassic\common\tile\ error: GTTileSupercondensator is not abstract and does not override abstract method update() in ITickable
public class GTTileSupercondensator extends TileEntityTransformer implements IBitLevelOverride {
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
3 errors
:compileJava FAILED

you need the deobsficated version of ic2 classic:



I know how to get around this, but man, this is stupid. (I managed to compile GTC anyway)


eh whatever, I've gotten used to it, and it's not that bad