GregTech Classic

GregTech Classic


Just Speiger Things

e99999 opened this issue · 2 comments



  • GTTileBlockCustom.getDrops() //Needs a fix with copies.
  • Local Components need to be made static finally.
  • InputSlotFilters in MultiInput Machines have to be done properly
  • Int3 needs a Mutable BlockPos integrated.
  • Export Loops should not move 1 item at the time for 64 times. It should do as many items as - [ ] possible (attempt to move 64 items at once instead)
  • Many TileEntities can set its facing no matter what and only can be harvested if you wrench it from top or bottom.
  • TileFacing needs a rewrite.
  • Import & Exporting Tiles can load chunks and can technically cause chunk cascading. Like hoppers can do.
  • Other MultiBlocks still need their Energy & UI Opener implemented
  • Interrupt power message gui component because users are stupid
    Less Important:
  • LocalComp should be implemented properly. (Not hard work)
  • Localization needs to be finished. Some Gui Classes miss them
  • All un implemeneted things should be not visible at all. (Things that may come or not)
  • Teleport Command should be disabled so its not allowing cheats

all done 🐶


Int3 uses Mutable BlockPos now.