Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]

Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


1.7 release To-Do list

draknyte1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  • Fix foresty lang file.
  • Fix forestry crash if not present.
  • Fix multiblocks not working as intended.
  • Fix structural check for large sifter.
  • Fix tooltip for large sifter.
  • Fix scanner info for Power Substation.
  • Fix issue where PSS doesnt (dis)charge batteries.
  • Make a way to rebind soulbound botania items.
  • Ask the mystics for a solution to the ASM crash.

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Enjoy your vocation not make a to-do list :)


Fix multiblocks not working as intended.

Possible Commits that Broke it:

It worked in the previous commit c59b80a, but I don't see any major change that breaks everything in that way it does.

The weirdest thing being is that most machines seem to work for X amount of cycles, then stop. Re-enabling them outputs in the log that the recipe has completed successfully, however outputs are never added in the tick that it takes to log everything. Any Suggestions are appreciated here.