Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]

Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


[v1.6.07-release]GT++ The wrong number of inputs and outputs in the recipe

lycc193 opened this issue · 22 comments


When I was looking for LFTR related recipes, I found the Ammonium Tetrafluoroberyllate chemical formula wrong,The correct chemical formula is this (NH4)2BeF4.
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Then I went to check his formula, and found more mistakes.
E.g: BeOH2 + NH4HF2 → 2(NH4)2BeF4(wrong) -> BeOH2 + 2NH4HF2 → (NH4)2BeF4 + 2H2O
yw6 u5 zua6 cc ugzsg96t

5(NH4)2BeF4 → 2 NH3 + 2 HF + BeF2(wrong) -> (NH4)2BeF4 → 2 NH3 + 2 HF + BeF2
ipz j0 qgjgby797 unwwj6

After that, I went through the source code and found this.
io ldo5c_v vbzm09 mzk2j

I want to know if these wrong recipeswere purposely left behind to reduce the difficulty or the real ones.

My English is not very good, these words are translated by Google, if you create a reading barrier, please forgive me.


Current fix progress:

BeOH2 + NH4HF2 → 2(NH4)2BeF4(wrong) -> BeOH2 + 2NH4HF2 → (NH4)2BeF4 + 2H2O

This is fixed, recipe now outputs water as expected.


Output water is secondary in this recipe.
What I want to know is whether the number of output main products((NH4)2BeF4) is wrongly written,According to the chemical formula should only output 1000, but now output 2000.

The more important problem is that the chemical formula of Ammonium Tetrafluoroberyllate is the wrong one.
NH42(BeOH2)(wrong) -> (NH4)2BeF4


The Formulas for all materials I add are shown as the compound of all the Materials it is made from.
In this instance, because the chemicals are compounded several times, the tooltips are wrong. (Invalid tooltips are now removed.)

While this is correct, I am stuck with limitations of GT machines and smallest form factor.

5(NH4)2BeF4 → 2 NH3 + 2 HF + BeF2(wrong) -> (NH4)2BeF4 → 2 NH3 + 2 HF + BeF2

I have to have 5000l as Input because you cannot turn 1000l of a fluid into 5000l combined of 3 seperate fluids. 5000L of (NH4)2BeF4 gives you 2000L of NH3, 2000L of HF and 1000L of BeF2. If we had smaller containers, Then the input amount would be smaller.


But why a large number of chemical products added in the GT5.09.31 can be input and output in accordance with the chemical formula.
E.g: C6H6 + C2H4 → C8H8 + 2H Input 2000L, and output 3000L
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Because one of the GT Devs (@JohannesGaessler) Doesn't know what the fuck chemical Balancing is.
You cannot input 2000l and get 3000l as output, we simply cannot fabricate matter out of thin air.
Hence why material balancing exists.

He is probably assuming that 1000l of Fluid X = Total of Component A + Total of Component B, so that 1000l when split becomes the main parts again. Where as, the way balancing actually works, and how the rest of GT does it, is you combine A and B and you get C, the amount of C you get is A.Amount + B.Amount.

Look at TungstenSteel for Example, One Tungsten, One Steel as input, Two TungstenSteel output.
One ingot of TungstenSteel is worth 0.5 Ingots of Steel and 0.5 ingots of Tungsten. if we looked at this like johannes, Two ingots are input and you'd only get one ingot of TungstenSteel back but when the dust is recycled you'd get back 2 dusts (One Steel and One Tungsten) from the single TungstenSteel dust.


I think that 1L of fluid A contains the same number of molecules as 1L of fluid B, because here the fluid clearly refers to pure rather than a mixture of other substances.
Similarly, I also think that the recipes of tungsten steel is wrong, a tungsten steel ingot is a steel ingot and a tungsten ingot instead of 0.5.


This is simple as that:
Modded Minecraft has big atoms each one equals 1L or 1mB
All atoms in Minecraft has same volume and no mass.

  • A Minecraft Ingot contains exactly 144 atoms.
  • An IC2/Gregtech fluid cell contains exactly 1000 atoms.

These number of atoms in item or fluid container are always the same, regardless of material.

Tungstensteel recipe 1 Steel Ingot + 1 Tungsten Ingot → 2 Tungstensteel Ingots
means exactly 144 atoms of Steel + 144 atoms of Tungsten → 288 atoms worth of Tungstensteel compound/molecules, no loss, no gain in total material amount. (except those Carbon atoms from ashes that are coming from thin air).


144 atoms of Steel + 144 atoms of Tungsten → 288 atoms worth of Tungstensteel compound/molecules

Should not be 144 atoms of tungsten steel?


Should not be 144 atoms of tungsten steel?

144 atoms + 144 atoms = 288 atoms


1 Steel + 1 Tungsten = 1 TungstenSteel
Just like 2H + 1O = 1H2O


Just like 2H + 1O = 1H2O

In Modded Minecraft this translates into
1L Hydrogen + 1L Oxygen = 2L Water

Remember rule:

  • All atoms in MC have same volume and no mass.

1 Volume of Hydrogen + 1 Volume of Oxygen = 2 Volumes of Water

Except with water → steam because extra energy creates volume expansion.
1 Volume of Water = 20 Volumes of Steam


Well, I found out that I was wrong, tungsten steel is alloy so follow 1 + 1 = 2.

But the other recipes above, such as C8H8 and (NH4) 2BeF4, are chemical reactions that do not follow 1 + 1 = 2 and should follow the chemical equation.


@lycc193 this. Chemistry isn't about "balancing". you input 1xC + 4xF and you should get 1xCF4 so 1xCF4 should become, in reverse, 1xC + 4xF. Alloy are mixtures, so they do not combine like molecules.


But it is though.
If you have a kilogram of tungsten and a kilogram of steel, you don't end up with one kilogram of TungstenSteel now, do you?

Nope, You get two kilograms. This is how chemistry is done in GT, 100% conservation of mass.

So fluids work the same. (With weird exceptions from other mods or vanilla) if you have 1000L of Fluid A and 1000L of Fluid B, you'd have 2000L of Fluid C.


You can have less or more output than number of inputs in chemical reactions. But not in Minecraft.


So, is this your balance?

Anyway in Gregtech you electrolyze 3000L of water for only 2000L hydrogen and 1000L Oxygen.
But as long as you can react 2000L Hdrogen + 1000L Oxygen in chemical reactor to produce 1000L of Water, this is ok.

When the output is less than the input according to the equation.
And increase the input when the output is more than the input.

Said so much, just to increase the difficulty?


Wait what?
Hydrogen + Oxygen amounts and Water are all taken from existing recipes within Gregtech.
And yes, as long as nothing lost nothing gained in chemical reaction, this is pretty much the base of balancing. At least it is fair.
As for balancing and difficulty, I don't understand your question here.

These are current Gregtech recipes:

3000L of water → 2000L Hydrogen + 1000L Oxygen

Chemical Reactor:
2000L Hydrogen + 1000L Oxygen → 3000L of Water

I see no wrong init. No material gained, no material lost.
This is High-School level physics. No special difficulty here either.

It is not realistic, but why would you change these rules?

I guess this repository or at least Gregtech Wiki could have some specifications such as defining physical and chemical rules as applied in Gregtech, so every one developer stays on the same line and because every user may want to know the rules.

One simple rule I know is: In all circumstances, Gregtech preserves material amounts.
The only place where material amounts could be lost is in fuel combustion.
But even this last rule is not clear cut, because generators by-products have been added.


In real life, mass is preserved even in chemical reaction.
Volume can vary very significantly in chemical reactions.
Volume can also vary in alloys. See alloy phase diagrams.

Although, mass does not exist in Minecraft and is very basic in Gregtech.
Volume is very arbitrary.

See here about chemical reactions balancing with Moles.

Maybe in Gregtech/MC continue with simplified rules and all chemical reactions are stoichiometric. Any amount of product can be produced by chemical reactions. It could be more or less than the actual quantity of ingredients. The most important being that it remains consistent with all successive reactions and it can become complex.
Reversing chemical reactions of a product should the return the initial amount of ingredients.

In Gregtech, it is more important to focus on game balance, and gameplay because producing reality accurate simulations of reactions and alloys it really an impossible task.
Everything is fantasy. You just try to make it look believable, at least for the duration of a game session.


Gregtech has Proton and Electron count for every material, from which mass is derived.

It's why every material has different processing times for the same process. (Example: Plate bending some materials takes 10x longer than others)

It's more important to be consistent when doing chemistry all over a mod. Johannes has added lots of inconsistency to GT chemistry by using 1 unit of Material C is the sum of units from Material A and B. As opposed to the Smallest form factor of C being units from A + B.


This does not take into account density.
There are even different materials to represent different states of the same material.
Steam = Water
This is obvious you would not output 666L of hydrogen and 334 L of oxygen from 1000 L of water. Anyway in Gregtech you electrolyze 3000L of water for only 2000L hydrogen and 1000L Oxygen.
But as long as you can react 2000L Hdrogen + 1000L Oxygen in chemical reactor to produce 1000L of Water, this is ok.
Although the reaction is exothermic and explosive, it still costs 300 EU.


The number of physical reactions (such as alloys) to be output is the sum of the quantities entered because the physical reaction produces a mixture.

However, in chemical reactions (such as electrolyzed water), we should follow the equation, the output is pure rather than simply mixed together.

In GT, we only have liquid. So what is the definition of 1L liquid? If 1LX and 1LY contain the same number of molecules, then we should follow the chemical equation. If we represent the actual volume, then we should not Unity with 144L as an ingot.

And on this basis, the definition of an ingot is what, the same volume? Same quality? Or the same number of atoms / molecules?

And, since we added 2000L H + 1000L O = 1000L H2O to the chemical reactor, why do we electrolyze 3000L of water instead of 6000L of hydrogen but 2000L of hydrogen

We only pay attention to the output of the number of fluids can not be more than the number of inputs, then if the output is less than the number of inputs? Is not this self-contradictory?


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And, I submitted a issue about this in GT5-Unofficial