Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]

Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


Mutation frame too OP for gtnh []

0lafe opened this issue ยท 14 comments


The mutation frame for gtnh is way too good for the cost. It mutates and insta kills for the cost of 9 uranium. With the thaumic restorer it has infinite durability for the cost of some gravel or red granite.

NH already has soul frames for mutation, so I think disabling the GT++ mutation frames for NH would be a good idea.


Soul frames are pathetic though,
Try suggest a balance option instead.

Seems to me that the Thaumic Restorer is either too OP or shouldn't restore the durability on Everything..


Soul frames + thaumic restorer is fine though. The mutagenic frames do the OP part of the void frame, except cheaper, and instead of blocking mutation multiply it. So that's a little much in my opinion, especially if a limited part of it's function, is the entirety of another item that was deemed too OP/not needed, without the one downside of that already broken item.

My balance suggestion is that we rely on soul frames and the restorer. That's totally reasonably for a pack that's meant to be difficult.


I think you're confusing the words difficult and tedious.


Is it possible to make the mutagenic thing un-"thaumic restore"-able? I feel like that's where the real issue is. If you had to consistently consume resources to make this frame, it'd be a reasonable start to balancing it.


They should at least be tiered in some other way, they're better than any mutation stuff you can get your hands on before the mutatron. Iirc nothing else does instadeath + mutation multiplier.

Some uranium isn't really balanced imo for that


Could probably also bump up the durability, and the amount consumed per use -- that'd increase the cost of the thaumic restoration I believe.


Could we bump up the durability to the point where thaumic restoring it would be infeasible (i.e. not an option)? That's a really good idea, if we can't make it un-restoreable.

Also I do agree uranium 238 is a bit too easy. There's a reason void frames were nerfed into non-existence.. xD What if there was a rod or two of uranium 235 added in there? I like uranium itself as a component because it's radioactive (makes the bees more likely to mutate and also explains why they die)


If it has whatever 1 use translates into durability, then yeah, which makes it seem fairly reasonable, but I still think that the recipe needs a Nerf at minimum. Uranium is too early obtainable, and plentiful. I'd suggest something more late game. Maybe a tungstensteel ingot core, surrounded by some titanium/plutonium rods.

Late game can still mass produce it, making it just harder to use earlier, and more of a loss when they break.


@draknyte1 oh maybe i did it wrong. What was the original material so guess i doing it wrong.


Blame Dream for your Shitty frame recipes, he made them cheaper in GTNH than vanilla.. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Durability consumed is 100% handled by forestry, so I can't do anything there. Two uses, for the default cost is entirely balanced. Two uses for Dreams cost is silly because I ask for U235...


Two uses, for the default cost is entirely balanced

Well, the thing is that becomes infinite with thaumic restorer.

I still think you should either remove them, Nerf the instadeath quality to no lifestam effects, give 1 use, or blacklist them from the thaumic restorer somehow. They're really, really good right now with them being infinite and dirt cheap.

They also should have some gating material like you said, and Pu-241 is probably better. Pu-239 is more of a later game thing. 241 is doable in small amounts with t2 rocket, and before that if you really want to put the work in.


Some U238 short rods, then U235 long rods and foil. You might want to change parts to Pu for GTNH.


Pu which isotope ? @draknyte1


I closed this issue because I removed the capability for the frames to be repaired in 1c4bd54.

Dream just needs to update the recipe in his scripts so that it uses some Pu and U235 as opposed to straight U238.