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Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


suggestion: add a overflow cover for fluid tanks

DoomSquirter opened this issue ยท 7 comments


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Example Custom GT++ Alveary Frame Blocks do not work [v1.5.0-alpha]

a cover that outputs only from that covered when full would be useful. then goes to fluid trash
meant, u can then put a fluid trash can on other side of cover or whatever
doesn't even have to be called a void or anything (is where it started in the conversation)

an alternative would be a void. some cover or tank that auto voids fluids once full

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I asked for similar ( a void cover ) on GTNH github: GTNewHorizons/GT-New-Horizons-Modpack#3182

I currently manage this with a condensed set up:

Fluid cover (inverted) - dense redstone crystal (set to 14) on cover pointing up to translocator with glowstone/redstone upgrade into trash. But it would be so much simpler to do this in 1 cover.

I like the sound of an 'overflow' cover rather than void for both items and fluids.

Screenshots of my current design below:

2018-08-31_12 27 23

2018-08-31_12 28 29

2018-08-31_12 29 21


It voids anything fluid > the max amount set in the cover. So if it overflows, it's essentially getting voided.




not sure what I'm looking at here? is there a cover on the fluid tank or the output hatch?

can it go negative so you can put it on a super tank (4mil storage) and then set the cover to void if the tank is Limit -1000 (void at 3999000)?


I still like the idea of an overflow cover - so if you put it on a side of the super tank, it will only output on that side if the contents are > amount


It's a cover for any 'machine' that accepts covers.

If it contains more than the amount set on the cover, it 'overflows' into the void. There is no 'overflow out' into another tank feature. The positive values in the second photo show this 'max' value being set. Different tier covers have higher maximum amounts, to scale for tanks as you tier up.


Implemented and now working.