wrong recipe for some combs in industrial centrifuge [v1.7.02.09]
boubou19 opened this issue · 7 comments
Expected Behavior
I was prcessing the lapis combs and redstone combs from gendustry.
I expected to get the output from this recipes:
Current Behavior
I'm getting fulls dusts instead of tiny piles:
I don't know if some other combs are affected too.
Possible Solution
fix the recipe please.
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
1.set up an industrial centrifuge
2.process lapis combs or redstone combs from gendustry.
I was testing the industrial centrifuge to see if it could handle my gigantic amount of combs.
Game Environment
Modpack Name: GT:NH
Version used:
Gregtech version:
IC2 version:2.2.828a-experimental
Java version: java8u161
Operating System:W10
Misc Info
Check all that apply ([ ] -> [x] - use a lowercase x)
- Using GT:NH/GT:New Horizons?
- Single Player?
- Multi Player?
The recipes are duplicated from the singleblock, it’s an issue with GTNH adding these recipes.
i only tested lapis combs and redstone combs so far. I'll post others when i'll find them
@draknyte1 and how it can be fixed?
Fix your comb recipes?
The Large Centrifuge and Electrolyzer duplicate their recipes from the single block maps. They can’t just generate different recipes, it’s impossible. The only difference is any recipe containing a cell, has the input replaced by the cells fluid.
my original recipes gives only tiny piles out so what I can fix? @boubou19 which recioes are affected and which Bee combs?