Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]

Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


Suggestion: Industrial mixing machine to do recipes without use of cells

observeroftime02 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Take Nitration Mixture, for example. The recipe is done in a mixer, but because the single block mixer only has one fluid input, the recipe still requires a cell. The industrial mixing machine can take many fluid input hatches, so it would make sense to maybe ditch the cells and allow for straight fluids to be input.

This is not really a balance issue, more of a quality of life improvement. I'm not sure how easy this is to implement, but then again, I think there aren't many recipes that have two fluids in the mixer.

Nitration mixture and the various fuel related items come to mind.


@botn365 Fairly sure this is implemented right?


i know the seprate input busses was implemented but i dont remeber the no cells thing