Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]

Gregtech++ [GT++] [GTplusplus]


Steam Grinder notes

Prometheus0000 opened this issue · 4 comments


Issue Title

It won't turn on. It has steam in an input hatch (the instructions say 'steam hatch', this is unlcear, maybe it should be 'input hatch for steam'?) iron ore in an input bus, and an output bus. I also used a mallet. It says it formed correctly, but the hatch+busses did not change color.

Expected Behavior

Grinds ore

Current Behavior

Does nothing

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

See above


I was just testing it, I won't actually use it.

Game Environment


Misc Info

Check all that apply ([ ] -> [x] - use a lowercase x)

  •    Using GT:NH/GT:New Horizons?
  •    Single Player?
  •    Multi Player?

Ok, I found the Steam Hatch after searching discord. But it still doesn't work. And I found the Input Bus (Steam) and Output Bus (Steam) after searching even more, but again it doesn't work. It will, however turn on and void materials. The Steam Hatch does not seem to accept steam in it for some reason?

Ok, it doesn't like the normal cells, but accepts universal ones, and it now runs. And it seems that using a normal cell on the Infinite Fluid Tank is different from using a universal cell filled with steam, because it works with the latter, but not the first, even though it displays the same name in waila.

So, changes I'd like to suggest:

  1. Figure out why the IFT seems to output a different type of steam, is the fluid oredict not working right? Putting the steam from a regular cell into a ULV tank and moving it from there doesn't work either, so it's probably the fluid itself being wonky. I checked with the volumetric flasks to see if that changed anything. steam from Steam Cells give 'ic2steam', and steam from universal cells give 'steam'. So that's likely the problem. If this is a GTNH problem, could you inform Dream? I can't tell if it is, or if it's just your multi.
  2. Rename the Steam Hatch to Input Hatch (steam) like the other two.
  3. Edit the controller tooltip to say the actual names for the 3, including the renamed one.
  4. Prevent it from saying it's formed when it doesn't have the correct blocks.
  5. Prevent it from running when it doesn't have all the correct blocks
  6. Consider changing the tooltip from steam multiblocks to steam-tier multiblocks, I assume it won't work with the bronze boiler, yeah?
  7. It would be nice to have an indication of whether it's worth it to make. Maybe say it's equivalent to X steam macerators or X HP steam macerators in the tooltip? And if the steam usage is different, that too.

There’s no such thing as fluid dictionary.

IC2steam is a totally different fluid to steam. You can convert from one to the other with a steam converter.


I see there's two steam cells in universal cells, all the steam cracked stuff got in the way. Presumably everything generally runs on steam instead of ic2steam.


Yup, nothing uses IC2steam except IC2 stuff.