GregTech Intergalactical

GregTech Intergalactical


[Bug] Game crash on load

Xebakyr opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What happened?

Game crashes on load due to 'bad type on Operand stack' error

What mod loaders are you seeing the problem on?


Relevant log output

Anything else?

Originally assumed this was some conflict in the mess of a pack i'm building, but adding GTI and all requirements (TesseractAPI and AntimatterAPI) to the pack crashed it, so I cut it down to only GTI and requirements and the issue persists.

By submitting this issue, I have included the necessary logs by pasting the contents into the correct location or attaching the file as an upload.

  • Yes, and I did not use any paste services other than GitHub Gists.

By submitting this issue, I have confirmed GregTech, Antimatter, and Tesseract are up to date.

  • Yes

Whoops, didn't find that originally, my bad. Tyvm.


Your using an old version of gti, you need to get it from the new curseforge page