GregTech Intergalactical

GregTech Intergalactical



Raccoon2709 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



  • Haven't had issues with performance on max settings at 16 chunks and 6GB allocated (nothing build)
  • more feedback to come.

In my opinion, things to change

  • Remove Vanilla Tools and add Flint Tools
  • Magnetite Ore should be a source of Iron (currently not smeltable, both gravel & stone) If this is intended ignore smelting list.
  • Small Surface Ores are to common, but i like it very much. (Are they an indicator to underground ores?)
  • Gravel Ores are not affected by Gravity.
  • All Ore (both versions) is smeltable (only) in Vanilla Blast Furnace

Following Items have no recipe

  • Small {Type} (Stone/Gravel) {Ore} (Iron). Don't have any recipe
  • Most machines. I can make a list if needed
  • Many Ingot's. If need as above.

Following Items have no smelting recipe

  • {Quantity} (Poor/normal) {Type} (Stone/Gravel) means both versions
    [Basic Smelting]
    (Iron Ingot)
    -Banded Iron
    -Brown Limonite
    -Yellow Limonite
    -{Type} Iron Dust

I will add all these things so be sure to type everything u have found


Could u make a list of the ingot recipes that need to get added + machines would be very helpful


Hey, you've seen thats from 2021? Not sure if these issues still exist.


They might u can never be too sure


@Raccoon2709 I suspect a lot of the missing recipes are still missing, this mod has not gotten much attention at all. If you could, would you edit this issue to reflect the current state of the mod in dev? github actions should have jars you can download.


Earliest I could deliver is January, currently working 14/7 a week till December.