GregTech 6 Unofficial

GregTech 6 Unofficial


Gregtech 6 Small and Regular Stone Gold ores drop pyrite instead.

nekomaster opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm using version "gregtech_1." on my client and server and on both single player and my server the small and regular stone gold ore blocks only drop curshed pyrite and pyrite "crystals" instead of crushed gold ore.
Minecraft gold ore is uneffected.

PS. Upon further inspection it'd seem that the Pyrite ore or oreVanillaPyrite has been wrongly named "Gold" ore instead.
I guess that would make sense why gold/pyrite is spawning around Galena and lead ores.

I assume this would actually just be a language file fix


It is an easter egg. In some veins, gold ores are regarded as pyrite, only the name is "xxx gold ore"