Assorted Suggestions
Xefyr0 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Cross-mod Integration
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Some feedback not from myself, but from someone else who recently completed a playthrough of Monifactory, a modpack based on GTM. Not verbatim, some grammatical/spelling corrections were added.
I am unsure how much of it may be applicable, but am sharing nonetheless in the event that someone may be interested. My annotations are in [square brackets]
- XL turbines. in GTNH everyone used to have to spam the hell out of plasma turbines in the endgame, so the developers added XL turbines that worked as 16 turbines while taking up the space of 12. Before we switched to fusion based power generation we would put down an Large Gas Turbine on every single multi we wanted to power, which was a massive chore. This was mostly due to the sheer amount of turbines we would have needed to put down in order to make centralized power.
- Expanded Benzene production alternatives. I'm used to GTNH where there are new ways to do Benzene production that you unlock in EV/IV which goes really well with Nitrobenzene unlocking at EV. what we did was spam the hell out of LV extractors and Pyrolyse ovens until fusion because nobody wanted to spam more Pyrolyse ovens or Greenhouses. [Greenhouses are a custom multiblock in Monifactory for growing plants] I think Greenhouses are at a very nice place in terms of speed, but i would like a better method of wood production. GTNH has the ICO that works as an upgraded Pyrolyse Oven and i would also really like to see that.
- Lower the tier in which the Network Switch is first made accessible. VK [A teammate of the writer] was not very happy with computation requirements.
- Do something to improve the Chronos [time cost?] that comes with coil production. the problem lies in that you cant tier+1 the assembler multi so you are forced to create and use an assembler singleblock for the newest coils. this gets especially bad later on since you need more coils than before (for either an RHF or your EBF array) and the recipe times per coil assembly go up incrementally.
- Maybe add a 2nd cleanroom hatch for multis to simulate sterile cleanroom. The sterile cleanroom is kinda a waste (and a massive chore) to build imo, you only need a few wetware mainframes for tank, [infinite material source in Monifactory] so building the whole sterile cleanroom so you can put multis inside is a massive chore.
- Speaking of wetware, VK noted that the gelatin line was a massive snoozefest (his words).
- Speaking of snoozefests, I automated Ethanol for JEAN gasoline [A Monifactory-specific advanced fuel] and that was a massive snoozefest. in GTNH ethanol is used for a lot of stuff and there are a few ways to get it but the only decent method I saw was making something in the Greenhouse -> Compressor -> Macerator -> Pyrolysis oven -> Distillery. This was pretty annoying considering we didn't use Ethanol for much of anything beyond HOG
- Some kind of actual fish production for the wetware mince meat stuff. GTM has the Fisher by default which fishes up "fishing loot" (not always fish) every 200 ticks at EV which is completely dogshit.
- Add recycling of mk1/mk2 fusion casings in Arc Furnace and a recipe to upgrade mk1 to mk2.
There was more, but I didn't include anything they wrote that was specific to Monifactory.
Regarding these:
- Agreed, those big turbines (and maybe combustions too?) sound cool.
- Does your friend know oil is infinite in GTCEU(M)? Oil processing gives tons of benzene for free. Also Pyro ovens go faster with better coils, if insistent on going the biological route. Plus the IV multiblocks exist for parallel processing.
- Sterile hatches would be nice, true, especially considering that some parts of wetware cannot be done with the multiblock version because mufflers are not allowed. However, given the normal cleaning hatch's late place in progression, this sterile cleaning hatch would probably require UHV circuits or something. Plus, IRL cleanroom requirements for semiconductor manufacture and handling of biologicals are different which would explain the difference.
- Yeah GTM has basically zero machinery for actual bio production, whether for plants or animals. Would be cool if fishers had a mode to only catch fish and be faster, and/or perhaps some kind of "fishing pool" or "fish pen" multi. Although that might be better relegated to an addon. I know GT Community Additions has a greenhouse already.