GregTechCEu Modern

GregTechCEu Modern


Rhino throws errors when attempting to add more than 1 recipe modifier to a custom multiblock via a KubeJS script

AncientShotgun opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Checked for existing issues

  • I have checked for existing issues, and have found none.

Tested latest version

  • I have checked that this occurs on the latest version.

GregTech CEu Version


Minecraft Version


Recipe Viewer Installed




Cross-Mod Interaction


Other Installed Mods

Modpack is lightly modified instance of Sky Greg v1.25, in which I have updated GTCEu Modern from v1.1.4a to 1.4.0
Relevant mod versions are:
Rhino 2001.2.3-build.6
KubeJS 2001.6.5-build.14

Expected Behavior

Expected behaviour: No error is thrown when more than one recipe modifier is given as input in the .recipeModifiers() method of the MultiblockBuilder of a multiblock machine I am customizing.

Actual Behavior

Actual behaviour: Rhino errors are thrown to the Minecraft console stating that Rhino cannot find a method in com.gregtechceu.gtceu.api.registry.registrate.MultiblockMachineBuilder called .recipeModifiers that takes input parameters of type$$Lambda$18211/0x00000195a15db398 (corresponds to the GTRecipeModifers.PARALLEL_HATCH modifier) and$ElectricOverclockModifier (corresponds to GTRecipeModifiers.ELECTRIC_OVERCLOCK with OverclockingLogic.PERFECT_OVERCLOCK or OverclockingLogic.NON_PERFECT_OVERCLOCK applied). These errors are fatal and cause Minecraft to crash to desktop with exit code -1.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Using the mods listed above at their listed versions, define in a KubeJS script an arbitrary custom multiblock via a builder, using the step-by-step instructions given in the GTCEu Modern documentation, making sure to add more than one recipe modifer to it via the .recipeModifiers() method of the builder.
  2. Attempt to launch Minecraft.
  3. After the Mod Gather stage is completed, Rhino will immediately throw the relevant errors and crash Minecraft to desktop.

Additional Information

Here is the script I am modifying that Rhino throws the errors on:
I placed it in the minecraft/kubejs/startup_scripts folder, as instructed.
For privacy reasons, I am unable to supply any crash logs.


For privacy reasons, I am unable to supply any crash logs.
without crash logs It'll be harder to help you.


Apologies for any inconvenience; I have obfuscated all personal information:


the attached script doesn't match the log you've sent.


anyway, try putting the recipe modifiers in the call in [] like this:
.recipeModifiers([GTRecipeModifiers.PARALLEL_HATCH, GTRecipeModifiers.ELECTRIC_OVERCLOCK.apply(OverclockingLogic.NON_PERFECT_OVERCLOCK)])


Oh, I see. Make the input an array, which might match better to the varargs collection type the method takes as input. I will try this and report back.


Test results are positive! MInecraft launches successfully and loads my singleplayer world correctly. I will soon create a new issue in your documentation repository asking for this fix to be reflected in your documentation, but at this point this issue is solved; I will close it.