Variant ores added to creative menu when disabled via config (Previously: Variant ores do not process *again*)
Xefyr0 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Checked for existing issues
- I have checked for existing issues, and have found none.
Tested latest version
- I have checked that this occurs on the latest version.
GregTech CEu Version
Minecraft Version
Recipe Viewer Installed
Cross-Mod Interaction
Other Installed Mods
Expected Behavior
Expected variant ores (e.g. Deepslate, Red Granite, Diorite versions of Stone ores) to process as shown in Ore Processing Diagram.
Actual Behavior
Variant ores cannot be processed in Macerators or Furnace, and these expected recipes do not appear in JEI/EMI.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create a new world.
- Put Granite Magnetite Ore in a powered HV Macerator
- Nothing happens.
- Put Magnetite Ore in the same macerator
- Maceration begins
Additional Information
#1848 (and by extension, #1353 and #1839) is the same issue from the user perspective, but they have since been (presumably) fixed in #1910.
This bug has now resurfaced several releases later in 1.4.6, and is also applicable to the GCyR ores.