Recipe Categories not Appearing in JEI on Dedicated Server (1.20.1)
HexFlareheart opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Checked for existing issues
- I have checked for existing issues, and have found none.
Tested latest version
- I have checked that this occurs on the latest version.
GregTech CEu Version
Minecraft Version
Recipe Viewer Installed
Dedicated Server
Cross-Mod Interaction
Other Installed Mods
This was originally observed on a larger modset, and then tested with GregTech, JEI, and KubeJS (alongside its dependencies Rhino and Architectury), however I've confirmed it happens with JUST GregTech and JEI. I don't presently know if this occurs with other recipe viewers.
Expected Behavior
When looking up uses for GregTech machines, recipe categories they can handle and scrapping recipe categories should appear. For example, looking up uses for a Centrifuge should yield the Centrifuge recipe category, as well also both Arc Furnace and Macerator scrapping recipe categories for the Centrifuge itself. The Ore Processing Diagram category should also appear when looking up the basic Centrifuge.
Actual Behavior
When joining a dedicated server directly after a fresh boot of the game, looking up uses for a GregTech machine yields nothing unless the machine is used in non-GregTech crafting, such as regular crafting, or if Twilight Forest is installed, Uncrafting. If it's a Basic-tier machine used in ore processing, the Ore Processing Diagram category will also appear.
Notably, this does not happen if you first join a singleplayer world, exit it, and THEN join the dedicated server; in this scenario everything behaves as expected and recipes show up correctly.
latest (direct to server sanitized).log
latest (singeplayer-then-server sanitized).log
Steps to Reproduce
- Run a local dedicated server instance of Forge with GTCEu Modern 1.5.1 and JEI installed
- Run a client instance with the same mods installed
- Connect into the dedicated server and attempt to look up recipes for a GregTech machine (they will not appear)
- Restart the game
- Join a singleplayer world
- Exit out of the singleplayer world, but stay in the game
- Connect into the dedicated server again and once again attempt to look up recipes for a GregTech machine (they should now appear)
Additional Information
This behavior was not observed in any capacity before 1.5.0; I can't confirm if it did happen in 1.5.0 or not, on account of the fact that running 1.5.0 on a dedicated server is impossible.
The logs provided were made with fresh worlds and configs. (Hence "sanitized" in the filename; I can also provide the previous test logs if desired.)
Decided to also grab the debug logs in case they have more useful information; debug-1 is the singleplayer-then-multiplayer log, debug-2 is the direct-to-server log.