GregTechCEu Modern

GregTechCEu Modern


Wires lose more power than expected.

BobVonBob opened this issue ยท 0 comments


GregTech CEu Version


Recipe Viewer Installed




Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

Wires lose 2 or 3 times as much power as cables.

Actual Behavior

Wires lose more power than that. Four times more for 1x and 2x wires, and nine times more for 4x and larger wires.

Steps to Reproduce

1x cobalt wire (LV, 4 eu/m loss) vs 1x cobalt cable (LV, 2 eu/m loss). Both assemblers are receiving no power. Cable loses all EU in 16 blocks as expected, but wire loses all EU in 4 blocks instead of 8 as the tooltip suggests.

Other examples:
Tin cable (1 eu/m) takes 32 blocks to lose LV, tin wire (2 eu/m) takes 8.
4x nichrome wire loses 36 eu/m instead of 12 eu/m.

Additional Information

It appears lossMultiplier is being applied twice somewhere. This isn't affecting cables because their lossMultiplier is always 1.

Insulation(String name, float thickness, int amperage, int lossMultiplier, TagPrefix TagPrefix, int insulated, boolean isCable) {

WIRE_SINGLE("single_wire", 0.125f, 1, 2, wireGtSingle, -1, false),
WIRE_DOUBLE("double_wire", 0.25f, 2, 2, wireGtDouble, -1, false),
WIRE_QUADRUPLE("quadruple_wire", 0.375f, 4, 3, wireGtQuadruple, -1, false),
WIRE_OCTAL("octal_wire", 0.5f, 8, 3, wireGtOctal, -1, false),
WIRE_HEX("hex_wire", 0.75f, 16, 3, wireGtHex, -1, false),