Machine controller cover only seems to work with vanilla redstone signal
hgjensen opened this issue ยท 2 comments
GregTech CEu Version
Recipe Viewer Installed
ATM9 server (private / only me)
Cross-Mod Interaction
Expected Behavior
Machine controller cover set to inverted mode, with threshold of 1, should turn the machine on when receiving any redstone signal.
Actual Behavior
The machine persistently says "Working Disabled".
Steps to Reproduce
- Attach machine controller cover to any GT machine
- Set cover set to inverted mode with threshold of 1 (default). I.e. "redstone on, machine on".
- a) Attach AE2 level emitter pointing straight into the cover. Make level emitter emit signal.
b) Place a LaserIO node with redstone card directly on the face of the GT machine with the controller cover, and make it emit a signal
c) Place a Modular Router with a "Detector Module" pointing into the cover. Make the router emit a signal - The machine persistently says "Working Disabled".
When using a vanilla redstone dust between 3a/b/c and the cover, the machine works as expected.
When placing a vanilla lever on the cover, the machine works as expected.
Additional Information
No response
That's odd. Probably something to do with weak and strong signals if I had to make a guess.
Not to myself:
Test with different directions for vanilla levers, redstone pen & computercraft.
That's odd. Probably something to do with weak and strong signals if I had to make a guess.
Not to myself: Test with different directions for vanilla levers, redstone pen & computercraft.
I tried both weak and strong signals, in both LaserIO and Modular Routers. Didn't make a difference.